Property Management Fees & Pricing
Growing Portfolios
At Realize Property Management, we can keep your rate at or below 10% of rental income.
Leverage a Large Portfolio
10 units or more? That means a bigger discount for you. Our management fees are at or below 7.5% of monthly rental income.
Wiggle Room
Why might you pay 5 percent versus 9 percent?
We offer property-specific, incentive-based pricing based on the stability of the asset. Our rates start low for already stable properties and decline as we reach a state of stability for more difficult properties.
Growing Portfolios (1-9 Units)
- Rates are based on condition, occupancy, and stabilization needs.
Portfolios with 10+ Units
- Rates are based on condition, occupancy, and stabilization needs.
We’re Not Here to Take Your Money.
We’re Here to Earn You Money.
Property management pricing rarely makes sense. We’ve encountered a lot of management companies that can’t (or won’t) explain their pricing model. At Realize Property Management, we keep it simple. Our rates are based on asset class, condition, needed improvements, location, and performance. We’re fair. We’re forward-thinking. We’re committed to your success.
Still Have Questions?
Take a look at our FAQs.
Q: What types of properties do you manage?
A: Multifamily apartment buildings make up most of our portfolio. We also manage single-family homes and mixed-use commercial and residential space.
Q: How do you decide who to work with?
A: We specialize in multifamily, apartment, and portfolio management and most of our new clients have a minimum of four units. If you need flexibility with this, please talk to us. We will not work with owners who have properties in areas we do not serve.
Q: Can you help me invest in a property?
A: Yes, we work with investors from all across the country who are looking to make their dollars go further in our market. We’ll help you identify an opportunity to complete a 1031 exchange. If you’re referred to us by a partner real estate agent, we do not compete with them on sales-related activities.
Q: Will you handle my accounting?
A: We contract with an impartial, third-party bookkeeping service for all your property management financials.
Q: What are the terms of your management contract?